So first the idiots get attracted, and if by chance somebody has some little intelligence, then these methods will destroy it.

It will not be used, and unused those delicate cells start dying.

All your subtle cells, your whole system of mind, will be spoiled. Now if somebody thinks that this is enough to transform your consciousness, that whatever you are doing you go on chanting inside, loudly or silently, “Hare Krishna, Hare Rama,” dancing in the street, “Hare Krishna, Hare Rama” – because only these two words will be continuously hammered. This is a sure way of destroying anybody’s intelligence. He was teaching these people that you need not do anything except repeat continuously “Hare Krishna, Hare Rama.” He was teaching those people celibacy which necessarily brings sexual perversion. Prabhupada was very angry, because I had called him a dodo. And they can’t see the contradiction – so clear, in the same statement, that I am following them wherever they are, disturbing their sleep, cutting their roots, and they have nothing to defend. They will talk about me and they will say that I am not worth considering. But one thing is certain, that he is more interested in me than in his own great idiot who created the Hare Krishna movement, Prabhupada. In another report Anando has showed me, he has called me a charlatan.